Saturday 2 March 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
A day of sharing, making and eating
The eight artists behind the group exhibition gludafael/holdfast invite you to participate in a series of fun and nurturing workshops building on the exhibition’s navigation of collectivity, joy and sustenance in the face of ecological emergency.
In doing this, you will take part in a communal moment of intent, preparing a feast of sights and sounds that can be enjoyed by all present.
Participants will engage in a series of creative workshops and small group discussions, culminating in a buffet lunch, refreshments and entertainment.
No experience necessary. All materials provided
Limited spaces. Booking essential. Call 01792 516900 or book online
£3 per person
As well as the conversation, feasting and the performances. Here are some of the workshops that you can take part in at the event:
Planting Seeds: This workshop will contemplate what we are sowing and putting roots in to create a legacy for the future through the act of planting tomatoes. It will ask what resources we have as communities that nourish and nurture us. It is a guided workshop, where we will be working with our hands, soil, and seeds. At the end of the workshop, participants will get to take home what they plant and reap the literal fruits of their labour in the summer when the tomatoes bloom.
Making your mark: Finding sacred space and spirituality in the face of an emergency: responding to Breuddwyd NON dreaming film and nature connective film on screen participants will write a haiku with ink on hemp paper, drawing with Japanese brushes making simple hemp paper hats with the decorated paper.
SOAK // FWYDO: Come anchor your soles with a warm seaweed foot bath, steep your soul in mineral tea, whilst submerging into spirited sounds of the sea. We’ll take a sensory journey through the story of how Angela and Kirsti found resilience and symbiosis with the ocean during their fellowship and then collectively toast how we can holdfast in turbulent times.
The Anatomy of Hope: A playful workshop based on the cadavre exquis / exquisite corpse game devised by Andre Breton and the surrealist movement in the 1920s. Participants will be asked to draw parts of a body that represent the anatomy of hope in the face of climate emergency. Each ‘body’ will be drawn in four steps: The head, the torso, the legs and the feet with the paper folded after each portion so that later participants cannot see earlier portions.
Ymm/arfer [hesitation practice]: an essay-in-progress reconfigured as an audio workshop, which invites listeners to roam around the museum contemplating ways in which hesitation, uncertainty and irresolution might be embraced as strategies for everyday refusal. A continuation of the research-poetics project TROI, TROSI, which has previously manifested as a print publication, sonic essay, and the two-part sound work made with Freya Dooley for gludafael/holdfast.
Contact the Gallery for all access information.
Please get in touch ahead of the workshop if you have specific access needs.
Telephone: 01792 516900